Mrs. Simpson

Stay safe boys and girls! Miss you all!

Posted: June 8, 2020

This is the last week that I will be posting home learning for the 2019-2020 school year.

 I hope everyone has a relaxing and fun summer. I know it will be a different one as was our school year because of the COVID 19 pandemic, but I know you will find ways to make great memories. Get out and enjoy the sunny days and relax inside on the rainy days. Try to find some time to read, practice some math skills and freshen up on your writing in creative ways.

I will be talking to you later this week.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone in September!

Mrs. Simpson

Home Learning Suggestions

Reading- Try your best to read every day! I know I’m going to.

Tip: What can I read? Picture books, chapter books, articles from the newspaper, cartoons, riddles, poems, magazines, cereal boxes, signs, posters, fiction, non-fiction… the possibilities are endless.


Word Work- Enjoy this fun word search sheet and a word mix up sheet.



Compound Words-

Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning. For example, “beach” and “ball” are two different words, but when fused together, they form another word, Beachball.

Be a detective. When you are reading stories try to find some compound words.


Refer to the many suggestions I gave you over the past few months.

I will be sending a ‘Grade One Memory Book’ home with your report card.

Have fun completing this book.


Let’s start with a cute mystery picture to solve.


Some exciting news!! I recently discovered a math site called, It is free until August 1st. Follow the steps below to try it out! I have assigned everyone the same assignments as a review of many of our Grade One skills. Some of the activities in the assignments may be challenging which is always fun to test your brain!! Hope you enjoy this new site.

1.       Open the link

2.       Click ‘login’ in the top right corner

3.       Choose ‘I am a student.’

4.       Enter the class code- sun1

5.       Enter your username- your first name-lowercase letters

6.       Enter the password- I will email you your password

7.       Click ‘login.’

Complete the assignments at your own pace!!                                                                                   

Information from District STEAM team:

Again, have an awesome summer boys and girls. Have fun and stay safe!







Posted: June 1, 2020

Welcome to the month of June! We only have this week and next for our Home Learning posted activities. I know the weather is getting nicer every day, but please do your best in finding some time to do some reading and math. I love taking a good book out on the deck to read. What better way to practice counting than out in the fresh air while riding your bike, jumping on a trampoline or just relaxing on a comfy lounge chair? Be creative! Find relaxing places to test your skills.


Continue to read at least 15 minutes a day. Where do you like to read?

Reminder: Don’t forget to use your strategies to unlock unfamiliar words in text. See your reading duo tang to review the sheets on each strategy.

Select books that are a ‘good fit’! No more than five errors on one page.

Comprehension: Included in your reading duo tang are questions that parents can ask you during or after you read a book. Simply giving a retelling of the events that happened in the story is a good test of your comprehension.

Word Work-

Your last group of spelling words will be emailed to you.

We will review contractions this week.

Contractions- A contraction is a short way to write two words. It is written by putting two words together and leaving out a letter or letters. An apostrophe (‘) takes the place of the letter or letters that are left out.

 Example: can not- drop the letters n and o from not to make the word can’t

See the attachment in your email.



Suggestion 1- Writing prompts

If I could be on a TV show…

If children were in charge of the world…

Something I’m excited about is…

Friendship is important because…

Suggestion 2- What is a biography? A recount of someone’s life written by someone else.

First, research (google) biographies on a few of your favorite authors. Next, listen or read some stories by that author. Finally, put the information in your own words to create a biography about the author.

Have fun learning about your favorite author.

 After listening to a biography on Barbara Reid I read some of her books. When I finished I wrote a biography. I included my sample in your email.

Can you go a step further?

 Do a recording of you reading your finished product about your favorite author.  I’d love to hear it!!

Points to remember during and after your writing:

Leave a finger space between each word.

Begin sentences with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark.

Reread often to check that everything makes sense.

Use some short and long sentences to ensure that your writing piece is fluent.

Check your spelling. Are the high frequency words spelled correctly?

Try to include some ‘wow’ words.


We will be exploring 2-D and 3-D shapes this week:         

Tangrams: a Chinese geometric puzzle consisting of a square cut into seven pieces that can be arranged to make various other shapes. Try the following link to play with tangram shapes.

A 2-D and 3-D chart is in your email


2D activity

Trace rectangles, circles, squares, triangles and ovals onto heavy paper. Cut out each shape and put them in a bag. Put your hand in the bag and grab a shape. Do not peek! Can you name the shape? Can you count the number of sides? Can you count the number of vertices(corners)?

3D activity

Can you find small objects around your home that match a cube, cone, prism, pyramid and sphere? Follow the same procedure as you did for the first activity but with your 3D objects. This time also count the number of faces on each.

Check out the 2D and 3D questions on












Posted: May 25, 2020


Good Morning Grade One!

I hope everyone had a great week. I took the advice I gave to you and sent friendly letters off to three of my friends. If you did not get a chance to do this last week you should try it this week. Maybe you’ll receive a friendly letter in return! I hope I do!

Home Learning Suggestions:

Reading- Try your best to read at least 15 minutes each day. It might be a nice time to curl up with a chapter book.

To give you some variety in your reading I thought you might like to check out  the following link  This site is free until the end of June. The reading level may be a little more challenging, so you may want to listen to the audio version. The site portrays many current topics that I know you will find interesting. Enjoy!

Word Work-

Blends- two or more consonants that blend together, but each sound can still be heard. sk- skirt; cl- clock


Digraphs- two letters that make just one sound. ch-chair; ph- phone

You could choose a different blend/digraph game from each day.



I thought we would try some poetry this week. It may be a type of writing that many of you find fun to do.

We know that there are many kinds of poetry. We will look at a ‘cinquin’ and a ‘haiku.’ These poems have cool names!

What is a cinquin poem? It is a five-line poem that follows the following pattern:

Line 1: one word that names the subject

Line 2: two words that describe the subject

Line 3: three words that tell an action about the subject

Line 4: four words that express a feeling about the subject

Line 5: one word that uses a synonym for the subject (A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word ex: shut/close)

They do not need to rhyme.


Example:           Dog

                Strong, Friendly

               Runs, Barks, Eats

             A Dog Is Company



What is a ‘haiku’ poem? It is a three line, non-rhyming poem. It follows this pattern:

Line 1: It has five syllables

Line 2: It has seven syllables

Line 3: It has five syllables

You may need to clap each word to find out how many syllables are in each word:

Example:           Birds are fantastic

                     In the enormous blue sky

                        They soar up so high!

Enjoy the following links:     (Fun Rhyming with Jack Hartmann)  (Learn about limericks)  (Fun earth limericks. Made me think of being at school with all of you!)


Review previous work on numbers.

I did not want the year to end without taking a look at measurement.

The attributes you may compare with are: length(height), mass (weight), volume (capacity) and area (the amount of space that is being used)

Videos to help learn about length (height): (You may want to do a different skill each day.)

Videos to learn about mass(weight)

Videos to explore volume (capacity)

Video to examine area (the amount of space something takes up)

With an adults assistance try some of the measurement ideas that you saw in the videos.

Also check out 1-6 in the measurement unit fits in with our curriculum.


Have a great week!












Good Morning Boys and Girls!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. It is great to have the barbecuing weather. I love it!

Check out Nixon's fishing pictures on the home page!


Enjoy your suggestions for home learning this week:


 Read at least 15 minutes. Why not check out some Robert Munsch Books in Audio Format at: Use your imagination to visualize the stories. Drawing a picture(s) to illustrate your favorite part would be fun too.


Word Work

Look at all your sight words. Can you find all the words that begin with ‘wh?’ Do you know other ‘wh’ words?

Check out the words that begin with ‘th.’

Cut letters out of magazines to spell your words, Can you mix the letters up and respell your word?


-ed, -ing

Rule: A word to which an ending can be added is called a base word. The base word of fished is fish. The base word of fishing is fish.

Add the ed and ing endings to these base words:










Can we add ed to sing?


Try to spend at least fifteen minutes a day to enhance your writing skills.

You may enjoy writing a friendly letter to someone. I’m sure there’s a friend or family member that would love to hear from you!

Tip: Reread to see that everything makes sense.

Heading-(write the date on the top right hand corner of your page.)

Greeting- (Write who the letter is for. Down and to the left of your page. Don’t forget a comma.)

Body- This is the main part of the letter and is the longest part of your letter. You would usually start out talking about the person to whom you're sending the letter (it's polite). Then you might want to give some information about you and why you're writing. This can all go in one paragraph, or, if it's too long and doesn't "go" in one paragraph, make the decision to separate it.Change paragraphs and indent each time you change the topic you're talking about. Remember to wrap it up. (We will learn more about paragraphing in grade two.)

Closing- Choose an appropriate closing. Make sure this lines up with the heading. Only the first word is capitalized. (bottom of the page and to the right)

Signature- Write your name.

I will send you a friendly letter in our email so you can see one completed in the above format.


 Let’s do a number of the day. (We did these at school)

The video doesn’t show a lot of ways, but it does give a few ideas. I have listed other ways:

Pick any number 1-20 (Use higher numbers later in the week.)

-          Write the number that comes before and after your number

-          Show your number in tally marks

-          Show your number using base 10 blocks

-          Is your number odd or even?

-          Show your number with ten frames

-          Draw a number line. Add unit marks equal distance apart. It will depend on your number what number you give to each unit. (If my number is low or in teens I might mark it by counting it by 1s. Higher numbers I may choose to count by 2s, 5s or 10s.

-write the number 1 less, 1 more, 2 less and 2 more than your number

-For numbers to 18 write 1 addition fact and 1 subtraction fact

-count up to your number

-count backward to 0 starting from your number

-write your number as a word

We are going to try some work with ‘representing a number by a variety of equal groups.’

1.       You need 12 items to use for counters

2.       Arrange the counters into groups of 2

3.       What is your total (count by 2s)

4.       Now group by 3s, 4s and 6s

5.       What was your total each time?

6.       Did you count by 3s, 4s and 6s?

Try this with other numbers throughout the week.  

Next, we will ‘represent a number in a variety of equal groups with singles.’ (That means you will have some left over or extra ones.)

1.      You need 17 items to use for counters

2.      Arrange the counters into groups of 2s.

3.      What is your total number of counters. (count by 2s)

Did you notice that you had 1 single or 1 left over? Your total does not change though.


4.      Now group by 3s and 5s.


Try this with other numbers throughout the week.


Can you draw pictures to represent your numbers? I will email you the examples I did for the numbers 14 and 18.


Thought you might enjoy these review games from work we did this year.

Don't forget to check your email!













Posted: May 17, 2020

Nixon is busy learning all about bass. He learned this one was female! 

Posted: May 11, 2020

PDF icon asdn_weekly_steam_issue_6.pdf808.06 KB
PDF icon week_6_literacy_learning_activities_1_1.pdf24.33 KB

Posted: May 11, 2020


Good Morning Boys and Girls,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I wonder if anyone enjoyed the snow?

Don’t forget to check your email for some additional home learning suggestions!


Read at least 15 minutes each day.

Has anyone tried face timing a relative that you haven’t been able to visit because of COVID 19 or called them on the phone? Why not practice reading a book until you can read it without difficulty and read it via face time/ phone to someone special? I bet they would love this! An adult could video you reading the book and you could send the video too.

I emailed you a link to another reading site. Enjoy!

Word Work

Continue to review your sight words. Concentrate on the ones that you do not recognize or can write correctly.

‘More Than One.’ Notes and exercise is in your email.


Rule: The letter y at the end of some words can stand for the long i sound, as in fly. The letter y at the end of some words can also stand for the long e sound, as in baby. (notice the number of syllables in each word) (notice the number of syllables in each word)


This week I thought I’d give you some ‘writing prompts’ that might interest you…

So far spring has been …

Something that makes me feel good about myself is…

I scream whenever I see…

If I were only one centimeter tall…

Tip: Try to use some wow words in your story.

Ex: fantastic, wonderful, fabulous, exciting, awesome, delighted, ecstatic, pleased, marched, staggered, miserable, gloomy, furious, annoyed, exclaimed, declared…

Tip: Remember to be looking and listening for ‘wow’ words in your daily interactions.

I am also sending the following as a different type of writing you may like to do this week instead of the first suggestion:

Senses for Writing

I can Describe Popcorn using my five senses:
































Choose your own ‘topic’ to describe using your 5 senses. Have fun!


Continue to review previous skills; especially counting in a variety of ways:

Mental Math Strategy- use addition to determine differences

I’d like to review fact families first:   (cute song)  (use addition to determine differences)

Have fun learning at home!















Posted: May 5, 2020

PDF icon week_3_k-2_nature_ninja_math_project.pdf443.23 KB

Posted: May 4, 2020


Good Morning Grade One

I hope everyone has been enjoying the warmer days. Now that the ground is drier I was able to clean up some of the debris that collected over the winter. The sounds of the ducks and loons out on the river is delightful! I hope you enjoy your home learning experiences this week. Don’t forget to check your email for additional notes. Have a wonderful week.

Happy Birthday to Braydie on May 9th!!


Read at least 15 minutes every day.

Continue to choose both fiction and non-fiction books to read. Explore the many sites that have books that are easily accessible.

If you have a library card you can access books from the public library at the following link:

Word Work

Alphabetical Order- Putting a group of words in ABC order. In the following game you can enter your own words and then rearrange them to put them in alphabetical order or you can use a provided word list that the program will select. (Try using your sight words)

If there is more than one word that begins with the same letter then you must look at the second letter in the words. You follow the same procedure if the first 3 letters are the same and so on.

Ex.1: boy, girl, and---- the correct ABC order is- and, boy, girl

Ex.2: play, spring, panda--- the correct order is – panda, play, spring

Panda and play begin with same letter, so we look at the second letter in each word. The letter ‘a’ comes before the letter ‘l’ and that is why ‘panda’ comes before ‘play’.

Continue to strive to be ‘Sight Word Stars!’ Review! Review! Don’t forget about your duo tang that has the sight word sheets in it.

Try using cereal, pasta or play doh, to practice printing your words. (Adult permission)


Let’s look at words that have ‘2 vowels together’ this week.

Rule: In a word where two vowels are together, the first vowel usually makes a long vowel sound, and the second makes a short vowel sound. I emailed some sentences that you can complete orally or on paper. Enjoy the song on the following link!


If you are looking for ideas to write about you could try a few of these:

A Sport, A Favorite Game, Birthday Fun, The Surprise or Writing a Letter to Mom for Mother's Day…

Tips: Don’t try to write your story in one sitting.

Day 1- Plan your story. Remember to think about who, what, when where, why

Day2- Do your introduction (How can I ‘hook’ my reader? You might start with a question.? Ex: Do you have a cat? I do

Day 3- Begin a detail. Elaborate.

I wouldn’t just write this for a detail- ‘Tigo has long grey hair.’ I would write, ‘Tigo has long grey hair that he manages to get all over me! Whenever he knows I’m leaving the house he will curl up against me and put hair all over my clothes!!’

Day 4- Add another detail and remember to elaborate.

Day 5- Add another detail…

Continue to do this until you feel you have included all the details that make your story a wow story!

Final Day- Closing! We need to ‘wrap up our story’ which means ‘we don’t jump away from the story.’ Sometimes we might close with a ‘feeling’ you have about your topic. A closing isn’t stating ’the end.’

If I was writing about Tigo I might end with the following:

My cat Tigo does some funny and annoying things, but he is great company and I love him!!

Tips: Reread your story each day to see if it sounds ‘fluent.’ Did you use some short and long sentences? Does everything make sense?

Do you have capital letters at the beginning of sentences and for names?

Do you have correct end punctuation?

Do you have finger spaces between words?

Did you check your spelling? Are the sight words spelled correctly?

Does your story have a ‘title?’


Continue to review any previous work.

Our new work this week will be learning how to use the mental math strategy of adding using doubles. This works really well when you know your doubles in a snap. I included some examples in your email and I have also added some links here. I hope you enjoy adding with ‘near doubles.’ I love using doubles!!!!

How to add using ‘near doubles:


Guess the Number- The following is a great game that everyone enjoyed playing at school this year.

I sent a 100 chart in your email which is helpful to use when playing this game.

Have fun learning to use ‘near doubles’ to add.

If you have any questions I am only an email away. I will respond back by email or phone! Have a fun work learning, playing and making new discoveries!















Image Galleries

Added: Sun, May 17 2020


Added: Fri, Apr 24 2020


K-2 STEAM activities
K,1 and 2 District Literacy suggestions
K-2 Nature Ninja Numeracy Project