Grade One May 25th-29th

Posted: May 25, 2020


Good Morning Grade One!

I hope everyone had a great week. I took the advice I gave to you and sent friendly letters off to three of my friends. If you did not get a chance to do this last week you should try it this week. Maybe you’ll receive a friendly letter in return! I hope I do!

Home Learning Suggestions:

Reading- Try your best to read at least 15 minutes each day. It might be a nice time to curl up with a chapter book.

To give you some variety in your reading I thought you might like to check out  the following link  This site is free until the end of June. The reading level may be a little more challenging, so you may want to listen to the audio version. The site portrays many current topics that I know you will find interesting. Enjoy!

Word Work-

Blends- two or more consonants that blend together, but each sound can still be heard. sk- skirt; cl- clock


Digraphs- two letters that make just one sound. ch-chair; ph- phone

You could choose a different blend/digraph game from each day.



I thought we would try some poetry this week. It may be a type of writing that many of you find fun to do.

We know that there are many kinds of poetry. We will look at a ‘cinquin’ and a ‘haiku.’ These poems have cool names!

What is a cinquin poem? It is a five-line poem that follows the following pattern:

Line 1: one word that names the subject

Line 2: two words that describe the subject

Line 3: three words that tell an action about the subject

Line 4: four words that express a feeling about the subject

Line 5: one word that uses a synonym for the subject (A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word ex: shut/close)

They do not need to rhyme.


Example:           Dog

                Strong, Friendly

               Runs, Barks, Eats

             A Dog Is Company



What is a ‘haiku’ poem? It is a three line, non-rhyming poem. It follows this pattern:

Line 1: It has five syllables

Line 2: It has seven syllables

Line 3: It has five syllables

You may need to clap each word to find out how many syllables are in each word:

Example:           Birds are fantastic

                     In the enormous blue sky

                        They soar up so high!

Enjoy the following links:     (Fun Rhyming with Jack Hartmann)  (Learn about limericks)  (Fun earth limericks. Made me think of being at school with all of you!)


Review previous work on numbers.

I did not want the year to end without taking a look at measurement.

The attributes you may compare with are: length(height), mass (weight), volume (capacity) and area (the amount of space that is being used)

Videos to help learn about length (height): (You may want to do a different skill each day.)

Videos to learn about mass(weight)

Videos to explore volume (capacity)

Video to examine area (the amount of space something takes up)

With an adults assistance try some of the measurement ideas that you saw in the videos.

Also check out 1-6 in the measurement unit fits in with our curriculum.


Have a great week!