Grade One June 1st- June 5th

Posted: June 1, 2020

Welcome to the month of June! We only have this week and next for our Home Learning posted activities. I know the weather is getting nicer every day, but please do your best in finding some time to do some reading and math. I love taking a good book out on the deck to read. What better way to practice counting than out in the fresh air while riding your bike, jumping on a trampoline or just relaxing on a comfy lounge chair? Be creative! Find relaxing places to test your skills.


Continue to read at least 15 minutes a day. Where do you like to read?

Reminder: Don’t forget to use your strategies to unlock unfamiliar words in text. See your reading duo tang to review the sheets on each strategy.

Select books that are a ‘good fit’! No more than five errors on one page.

Comprehension: Included in your reading duo tang are questions that parents can ask you during or after you read a book. Simply giving a retelling of the events that happened in the story is a good test of your comprehension.

Word Work-

Your last group of spelling words will be emailed to you.

We will review contractions this week.

Contractions- A contraction is a short way to write two words. It is written by putting two words together and leaving out a letter or letters. An apostrophe (‘) takes the place of the letter or letters that are left out.

 Example: can not- drop the letters n and o from not to make the word can’t

See the attachment in your email.



Suggestion 1- Writing prompts

If I could be on a TV show…

If children were in charge of the world…

Something I’m excited about is…

Friendship is important because…

Suggestion 2- What is a biography? A recount of someone’s life written by someone else.

First, research (google) biographies on a few of your favorite authors. Next, listen or read some stories by that author. Finally, put the information in your own words to create a biography about the author.

Have fun learning about your favorite author.

 After listening to a biography on Barbara Reid I read some of her books. When I finished I wrote a biography. I included my sample in your email.

Can you go a step further?

 Do a recording of you reading your finished product about your favorite author.  I’d love to hear it!!

Points to remember during and after your writing:

Leave a finger space between each word.

Begin sentences with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark.

Reread often to check that everything makes sense.

Use some short and long sentences to ensure that your writing piece is fluent.

Check your spelling. Are the high frequency words spelled correctly?

Try to include some ‘wow’ words.


We will be exploring 2-D and 3-D shapes this week:         

Tangrams: a Chinese geometric puzzle consisting of a square cut into seven pieces that can be arranged to make various other shapes. Try the following link to play with tangram shapes.

A 2-D and 3-D chart is in your email


2D activity

Trace rectangles, circles, squares, triangles and ovals onto heavy paper. Cut out each shape and put them in a bag. Put your hand in the bag and grab a shape. Do not peek! Can you name the shape? Can you count the number of sides? Can you count the number of vertices(corners)?

3D activity

Can you find small objects around your home that match a cube, cone, prism, pyramid and sphere? Follow the same procedure as you did for the first activity but with your 3D objects. This time also count the number of faces on each.

Check out the 2D and 3D questions on