Grade One June 8th-12th

Posted: June 8, 2020

This is the last week that I will be posting home learning for the 2019-2020 school year.

 I hope everyone has a relaxing and fun summer. I know it will be a different one as was our school year because of the COVID 19 pandemic, but I know you will find ways to make great memories. Get out and enjoy the sunny days and relax inside on the rainy days. Try to find some time to read, practice some math skills and freshen up on your writing in creative ways.

I will be talking to you later this week.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone in September!

Mrs. Simpson

Home Learning Suggestions

Reading- Try your best to read every day! I know I’m going to.

Tip: What can I read? Picture books, chapter books, articles from the newspaper, cartoons, riddles, poems, magazines, cereal boxes, signs, posters, fiction, non-fiction… the possibilities are endless.


Word Work- Enjoy this fun word search sheet and a word mix up sheet.



Compound Words-

Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning. For example, “beach” and “ball” are two different words, but when fused together, they form another word, Beachball.

Be a detective. When you are reading stories try to find some compound words.


Refer to the many suggestions I gave you over the past few months.

I will be sending a ‘Grade One Memory Book’ home with your report card.

Have fun completing this book.


Let’s start with a cute mystery picture to solve.


Some exciting news!! I recently discovered a math site called, It is free until August 1st. Follow the steps below to try it out! I have assigned everyone the same assignments as a review of many of our Grade One skills. Some of the activities in the assignments may be challenging which is always fun to test your brain!! Hope you enjoy this new site.

1.       Open the link

2.       Click ‘login’ in the top right corner

3.       Choose ‘I am a student.’

4.       Enter the class code- sun1

5.       Enter your username- your first name-lowercase letters

6.       Enter the password- I will email you your password

7.       Click ‘login.’

Complete the assignments at your own pace!!                                                                                   

Information from District STEAM team:

Again, have an awesome summer boys and girls. Have fun and stay safe!