
Millerton Bears Physical Education Online

Posted: April 27, 2020

I have created a video of me playing the game Sock It Ball but am having trouble loading to website. I will hopefully figure it out and will post later in the week just in case you were looking for the game. Sorry for the incovience and will be in contact again soon.

Posted: April 27, 2020

Posted: April 27, 2020

This week will highlight a few games "Socketball" and a modified game of "Four Square". Both these videos showing how game is played have already been uploaded under grades 3-5 information. I have attached Week #4 being active from home document. Try as many or as few activities from this as you please. The main focus is to be physically active each and every day possible for a minimum of 60 minutes. Try to complete acitivites that raise the heart rate for an extended period of time.

The WOD "Larry lost his Barbell" is really challenging and will keep heart rate up.

I will also post an outdoor scavenger hunt for those who may be interested.

For any fisherman or woman out there the Stripped Bass have been coming in and should be good fishing in the next week or so. Get out on the water and enjoy some fresh air. With the nicer weather and the restrictions being gradually lifted get outside and enjoy a bike ride, shoot some hoops, play some driveway rosd hockey or another activity of your choice. Stay safe and take care and I will be back in touch again next week.

Posted: April 27, 2020

Posted: April 27, 2020

Four Square

Modified Four Square

Posted: April 27, 2020

I have attached week #4 Being Active at Home packet which you can pick and choose some activities within the packet. I have also attached a few videos of the games "Four Square" which can be adapted to "Two Square"f players are limited.  I have also attached a video of a cool game that can be played outside or inside if space allows. The game is called "Socketball" and is fast paced and challenging, check it out. I have also attached a Natures Bingo Scavenger hunt activity which can be used for all levels.The monthly PE at Home Calendar is attached as well, try to complete week 4 activities. The main goal is to stay active for 60 minutes each day completing activities provided or games or activities of your choice, Try to play games and activities to keep your heart rate up.

I will have to add another post to attach vidoes and images.

Get outside and have some fun and for the people who enjoy fishing get out on the water as the Stripped Bass have arrived.

Posted: April 27, 2020

These are the templates that can be used for the Scavenger hunts.

Posted: April 27, 2020

This week the foucus will be getting outdoors to complete "Scavenger Hunts" which are attached. The weather is going to be cooler this week but dress for the weather and enjoy the outdoors. I have also attached Week #4 Being active at home document which has many great games and activities. The main goal for the week and every week is to be active for 60 minutes each day. There is also a checklist for april at the end where you can see how many activities you have completed already as April is coming to an end.

If you enjoy fishing get out on the water as the Stripped Bass are on their way in.

I seem to be having trouble uploading Scavenger Hunts so I will add in a sperate post.

Enjoy the week and stay active.

Posted: April 20, 2020

This week's focus will be on fitness. I have attached WOD's (workouts of day) for students to try. The workouts can be challenging so do the best you can and give maximum effort to get the best results. I have also posted a board game "Sportopoly" where activites and exercises must be completed to win the game. Have fun with it and challenge other family members to a game to get everyone involved. I have also attached a step counting list so you can track activities completed throughout the week to help keep track of daily and weekly step totals. You could also try some activities from the monthly calendar for week three.

Thanks and have a great week.


Posted: April 20, 2020

If you click on the picture it seems to be easier to read. If you have a printer make a few copies. Take care and have fun with this game.


Image Galleries


Added: Tue, May 19 2020