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Posted: December 6, 2021

Go to Flora French and click on Level 3, module 3. Select "J' écoute et je parle". Select dialogue 2. Repeat after the narrator. Next, return to the main menu and click on "Je lis". Read "Les gens de mon école". Go back to the main menu and click on "J'écris". Select "écris une phrase a propos des gens de ton école". Following this, go back to the main menu and enjoy the fun that is found on "Je fais des activitiés". 

Posted: December 6, 2021

Go to Flora French and click on Level 4, Module 3. Click on "J' écoute et je parle", and choose dialogue 2. Repeat after the narrator. Return to the main menu and select "Je lis". Click on "Selé ou sucré? Repeat after the narrator. Next, return to the main menu and click on "J' écris". Select "J' écris une recette pour faire une purée de pomme de terre". Following this, you may return to the main menu where you will click on "Je fais des activitiés". Click on "Trouve des mots des fruits".

Posted: December 6, 2021

Go to Flora French, level 2 module 3. Click on "J'écoute et je parle". Select dialogue 2. Repeat after narrator. Next, go back to the main menu and click on "Je lis". Read "Ma maison", and repeat after the narrator. After you have done this, return to the main menu and click on "J' écris". Select "Trouve les mots manquants". (Find the missing words) Once you have done this, return to the main menu and click on "Je fais des activitiés". Select "Trouve les nombres mystérieux".

Posted: November 10, 2021

Go to Flora French and select Level 4 Module 3. Click on "J'écoute et je parle", dialogue 1. Repeat after the narrator. Next, return to the main menu and click on "Je lis", and read "Selé ou sucré?" Repeat after the narrator. Next, return to the main menu, and select "J'écris", and repeat after the narrator, "Apprendre comment faire une purée de pomme de terre. After this, return to the main menu and click on "Je fais des activités" and select "Mets la table".

Posted: November 10, 2021

Go to Flora French and select Level 3 Module 3. Click on "J'écoute et je parle" and select Dialogue 1. Repeat after the narrator. Next, return to the main menu and click on "Je lis", and read "Les gens de mon école". Repeat after the narrator. After this, go to the main menu and click on "J'écris" and write about your school (écris a propos de ton école). Next, return to the main menu and select "Je fais des activités" and click on "Trouve les objets dans la salle de classe". 

Posted: November 10, 2021

Go to Flora French Level 2 Module 3 and click on "J'écoute et je parle". Then click on Dialogue 1. Repeat after the narrator. Next, go back to the main menu and click on "Je lis". Read "Ma maison" and repeat after the narrator. After this, return to the main menu and click on "J'écris". Select "Fais une histoire avec des illustrations". Next, return to the main menu and click on "Je fais des activités. Select "Trouve le nombre qui va avec l'illustration" and then try "Trouve la maison mystérieuse".

Posted: November 8, 2021

Go to Flora French and click on Level 4, Module 2. Clickon "J'écoute et je parle" and then Dialogue 2 - "Découvrons les animaux de la foret". Repeat after the narrator. Next, click on "Je lis", and re-read "Ou habite ton animal préféré?" Next, go to "J'écris" and do "un mots-croisés". After this, click on "Je fais des activités" and do "trouve les différences".

Posted: November 8, 2021

Go to Flora French and click on Level 3, Module 2, "J'écoute et je parle". Click on Dialogue 2 and repeat after the narrator. (Locate Rigolo's body parts). Then click on ''Je lis" and re-read "En hiver, je m'habille". Next, click on "J'écris" and write about what you wear inside. Next, click on "Je fais des activités" and choose an article of clothing and complete the spelling of the words.

Posted: November 8, 2021

Go to Flora French Level 2, Module 2. Click on "J'écoute et je parle" and do Dialogues 2 and 3. Repeat these dialogues after the narrator. Next, click on "Je lis", and re-read, "Le matin". Repeat after the narrator.

After this, click on "Je fais des activités" and try all of the activites.

Posted: November 5, 2021

Go to Flora French and select Level 4, Module 2. Click on "J'écoute et je parle", dialogue 1. Repeat after narrator.

Go to main menu and click on "je lis." "Ou habite ton animal préféré?" Repeat after narrator.

Go to main menu and click on "Je écris". "Écris a propos destraces des animaux."

Go to main menu and click on "Je fais des activités". Do Sudaku Niveau 1 et Niveau 2.

Posted: November 5, 2021

Go to Flora French, Level 3, Module 2. Click on "J'écoute et je parle" dialogue 1 and repeat after the narrator.

Go to the main menu and click on "Je lis" and read "En hiver, je m'habille" with the narrator.

Go to the main menu and click on "J'écris", fais les mots croisés.

Go to the main menu and click on "Je fais des activités". Click on "Trouve les vetements dans cette chambre en désordres."

Posted: November 5, 2021

Go to Level 2, Module 1 of Flora French. Click on "J'écoute et je parle" and select dialogue 1. Orally repeat each question after the students in the video ask them. Next, on the main menu, click on "J'écoute" and read "Le matin" with the narrator.

Next, click on "J'écris" from the main menu and select "Construit une phrase". Make a sentence with the scrambled words.

Then you may click on "Je fais des activités" and do the activité "Trouve la forme géométrique. 

Posted: November 3, 2021

Go to Flora French and click on Level 4, Module 1. Select Dialogue 2 and repeat after the narrator.

Next go to J'écris" and create a schedule. After this, go to "Je fais des activités" and try all of these fun things!

Posted: November 3, 2021

Go to Flora French and select "J'écoute et je parle". Click on Dialogue 3. Repeat the dialogue after the narrator. Next, click on "J'écris" and select the icon where you write about a memeber of your family. Write this on paper and pass it in to me once school resumes.

After this, click on "Je fais des activités", and try all of the fun games!

Posted: November 3, 2021

Go to Flora French and select Level 2, Module 1. Then click on J'écoute et je parle, Dialogue 2. Repeat the dialogue after the narrator. Next click on J'écris, and select "J'apprendre les jours de la semaine."

After this, click on "Je fais des activités", and try as many as you can!
