Grade 2/3 May 25 - 29

Posted: May 25, 2020

Due Date: 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Good morning Boys and Girls,

Wow, it really feels like summer these last few days.  I know it will get harder and harder to work on these lessons but it is important to read some every day and do a little Math.  You can do it! 

It is so fun to hear some of the fun things several of you are doing outside and with your families.  It really has been a unique learning time for all of you.  Baking and planting flowers and walks in the woods are all still learning experiences and valuable.  I hope you are all getting outside in the fresh air daily.



Grade Two - 15 minutes per day

Grade Three - 20 minutes per day


Reading Comprehension

- Compare and Contrast- When you compare two things or people you are looking for things that are similar or they have in common.  When you are contrasting two things or people you are looking for things that are different or not similar.

ie.  If I were to compare and contrast an apple and an orange it might look something like this

        Apple                                     Same                                  Orange

- has a stem                                  - have seeds                           - divided into sections

- eat the peel                                 - fruits                                  - do not eat peeling

- has a core                                   - grow on trees                       - citrus fruit

Comparing and contrasting can be done for people too.

ie.  Mom                              Same                            Grandma

- strict                                - love me                        - not strict (lets me do what I want)

- feeds me veggies                 - protect me                    - feeds me cookies

You can compare and contrast almost anything or anybody.  Try to find two characters in a story you are reading and compare and contrast them.  One may be funny and the other bossy.  They both may be good friends.  Then compare two items in your room.  Take for instance a stuffed animal and an action figure or barbie doll.  How are they the same and different?


- Read a story book and then create a different ending for the book.  Your ending might just be more interesting than what the author came up with.

Punctuation Marks

-Using Colons ( :  )

A colon is used on a digital clock to seperate the hour from the minutes.  ie.   7:30 The hour is 7 and the 30 is the minutes past the hour.  

A colon is also used in writing when a list of items is to follow.

ie.  Please bring each of the following items to class:  pencil





Grade 2 Key Math Skills

6.  Be able to determine which number is greater given two numbers.

ie.  47     or     39     You must also be able to explain why 47 is greater than 39.

47 has 4 groups of ten and 39 only has 3.


7. Students must be able to solve an equation and explain how they solved it in words.  They can use paper and pencil to show an open number line or use their making ten facts, doubles or subtraction.

ie.  60 = 32 + ______     I could use my making ten pairs and add 8 to make 40.  Then I would add 20 to get from 40 to 60.  Then I would add those two number together 8 + 20 = 28.  The missing addend is 28.


8.  Be able to look at a number line to determine which number is not in the correct spot.

ie.  ___________________________________________________________________________________

    25                                    29   50               60                           75

In this example the 29 is not where it should be.


9.  Students should be able to represent a number in at least two different ways.  (Think about "number of the day")

place value

base ten blocks


written words

standard form

expanded form

number line (remember to use equal spacing between groups of ten)

ten frames


10. Students should be able to write an equation and solve it for a word problem involving numbers to 18.

ie.  Laura invited 17 people to her pool party.  13 people came.  How many people that she invited were not able to come?

Solution:  17 - 13 = _____         Four people who were invited to Laura's party could not come.

  OR        13 + _____ = 17        Four people who were invited to Laura's party could not come.

**When solving word problems you must always answer in numbers and in words.**


Grade Three Key Math Skills

5.  Students should be able to identify a certain fraction and represent it in numbers ( 2/3) and words (two-thirds).  

ie.  If I showed them pictures of fractions and asked them which one represented 1/2 they would be able to identify that fraction


6,  Subtraction of 3-digit numbers.  


7.  Division up to 25/5=5 and understand multiplication and division fact families.

ie.  18 / 3 = ______   belongs to the fact family of 18 / 6 = 3,  3 X 6 = 18, 6 X 3 = 18


8.  Students should be able to describe and extend a decreasing pattern.

ie.  36, 33, 30, 27, 24, ____, _____, _____, ____, ____, ____, ____, 0

Pattern rule would be "Begin at 36 and decrease by 3's to 0. 

Missing numbers are 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0


9.  Students will be able to identify polygons (closed figures with straight lines) by the number of sides they contain and be able to find their perimeter(distance around the outside.)

ie. triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, septagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon.


10.  Students will be able to determine the appropriate measurment of mass to use to measure different items.

ie.  A paperclip would be measured in grams (g) while a person would be measured in kilograms (kg).