Posted: May 27, 2013
As the year end gets closer, there is alot of events coming up! June is a very busy month here at Millerton School.
Here is a list of Up Coming Events!
June 1st - Yard Sale/ Breakfast- put on by Home and School here at Millerton School.
June 5th- Grade 3/4 class going to Doaktown to release Salmon.
June 7th - Grades K - 8 - Going to Golden Hawk for year end trip.
June 10th - Grade 8 - Travelling to Fredericton to meet French Penpals with Dailogue NB
June 11th - Peacekeepers Trip to French Fort Cove.
June 13th - Year end Dance!
June 14th - Science East setting up Planetarium.
June 14th - Last day for Cafeteria.
June 14th - Grade 8 trip
JUne 18th - Grade 8 Banquet!
June 21st. -Last Day of School!